This week in our At Home With series, we speak to Paige Leanne on her recent move to Bali, and the advice she would give to others thinking of making the move abroad.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and the journey of how you got to where you are today.
My journey to Bali was only meant to be for a two month holiday, I’ve been here six months now and counting… the classic Bali story. I knew I needed to make a change in my life but I had no idea that moving to the other side of the world would be the answer or that it would be the journey I’d venture on! I’d previously never lived in a place where I’d found my people, my tribe or the rhythm of life I wanted to lead, Bali isn’t 100% that place, but I’m getting close.
You’ve recently made the exciting move to Bali. What inspired the move and what advice would you give others who are considering moving abroad?
I wasn’t happy in East London, I hadn’t been for years and knew I needed to change my environment somehow. It’s crazy to think I’ve moved abroad because I never ever thought I’d do it, I remember being on FaceTime to my mum when I first got here and she said “you’re not coming back” and I was adamant I was, safe to say I never got that flight back to be home in time for Christmas!

My advice would be, pack light - you really don’t need much, make friends as soon as you get here, and make friends with their friends and their friends too. Say yes to all the plans in your first 2 months - this allows you to expose yourself to every situation, then you can decide how you want to spend your time after. Always have more money in the bank than you think, this also allows you to say yes to plans. Have the upmost respect for locals and culture at all times, this is their sacred land and try your best learning the language.
How does your lifestyle differ now that you are living in Bali?
I’ve done a complete 180! London was cold, wet, expensive, everyone felt like NPC’s, consumed by consuming! Bali, although now very westernised, is much more free flowing, people are open and welcoming, everyone wants to hang out, explore, talk about important topics, focus on health and wealth. You’re only as good as the people around you so make sure those people are amazing, uplifting, motivated and disciplined, they’ll only make your life better!

As someone who’s into the world of spirituality and wellness, do you have a certain practice you always come back to?
I journal everyday, putting feelings and thoughts into words will change your life! I’m hugely into manifesting, your thoughts are your world and you create your world with your mind so you best preach good stuff to yourself and others. Grounding I do every day, living somewhere where shoes are optional is another big pull for me. Eat primal - meat, eggs, dairy and fruit, this is how to nourish your body.
What’s the one bit of advice would you give to yourself 10 years ago, if you could go back in time?
Get out of the rat race, you’re never going to enjoy slaving away for a boss that can replace you within 30 minutes. Living in London won’t make you happy, don’t move there. There’s a world out there that, should you create it, allows you to work lesser hours for maximum pay. Spend every day in the sun, go back to your primal roots, learn that food is medicine. That’s many pieces of advice but they’re all equally important!

What’s your favourite Dora Larsen Swim style, and why?
Phoebe wired bra and high waist bikini bottoms, I’ve been wearing more colour since being in the tropics and adore this blue on tanned skin!
See more of Paige's photography here.
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