At Home With Alexandria Coe

We spoke with @alexandria_coe on the topics of art, womanhood, and self-evolution...

When and how did you first get into art, and have you always wanted to be an artist?

“I have always wanted to be an artist, even when I was small. But I did explore other things. Always creative though. I studied textile design and then went on to be a commercial illustrator. I basically had a breakdown in my early twenties, I did a masters and then went to do yoga teaching training which changed my life. It really made me think about my needs and wants and not put a boundary on them. After that I pursued what I always wanted to do. It was an uphill struggle but was worth it.”

What does a typical day in your life look like now with the new normal we’re experiencing?

“Movement and exercise is really important to me. Whether running or dancing or going to the gym, I need to move once a day. But then I have a very yin side that like daily (sometimes twice daily now) baths, face masks and body scrubs. I can work at home, which I am lucky to, and spend half of my time between art and the other half, administrative work. Every day is different, but my rule is to always get fresh air. And I always find space to do nothing for at least half an hour, so I switch off.”

Have you learnt anything new about yourself this year?

“It’s been a big year of growing for me. I don’t think I expected the last year of my twenties to be such a rollercoaster ride. Obviously the pandemic has played its part and I think for a lot of us it has been a time to reflect. Living alone during lockdown taught me a lot, about myself, my boundaries, my needs and self-care.”

As women, do you think the relationship we have with ourselves is changing? If so, how?

“To be honest I am not sure our relationship with ourselves is always changing for the better, but it is always shifting. I think it’s a constant battle to find a voice within the confinements of womanhood, but that social media has ironically offered that space. It’s always two steps forward and then one step back. As you get older I think you gain new experiences, have more honest raw conversations and are able to really understand women’s issues today. Our relationship with ourselves really needs to shift outside of the whelm of imagery, and once it does, we start to gain a real voice. I think this is when we feel most empowered and fearless.”

What makes you feel good or boosts your confidence when you need it?

“I need to switch off to feel good and detach a bit from reality, perhaps putting my phone on airplane mode. Coming back to myself and really feeling into my body.”

What do you have coming up this year?

“I'm releasing a book and I am super excited about it. Hopefully it comes out later this year in time for Christmas. It’s been a labour of love (as a hint) for the last couple of years and I am so excited it came together finally.”

Alexandria wears: Juno Soft Bra in a UK10, Juno Thong in a UK10, Iris Low Rise Knicker in a UK8, and Ivy Underwired Body in a UK10.

Find Alexandria here: @alexandria_coe


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:At Home With Alexandria Coe

AT HOME WITH DL-At Home With Alexandria Coe - Dora Larsen | Colourful Lingerie