Astrology with Randon Rosenbohm

As part of The Soul Sessions series, we’re talking to people who have alternative take on well-being. This week we talk to Randon Rosenbohm about her work within the field of astrology.


Tell us about you, and what you do?

“My name is Randon Rosenbohm, I’m a professional astrologer and writer. I use astrology to empower people to find their purpose, whether they are reading my horoscopes or consulting with me in private. Apart from astrology, my current project is researching charlatanism. I’m inspired by wellness influencers and the multi-billion dollar self-help industry— I think its increasing worth relates to a decreasing, perilous quality of life.”

How did you get into astrology initially, and how has it changed your life?

“I was born in New Orleans and have been interested in all things supernatural and holy from a young age— it’s part of my cultural identity. When I took my first astrology class, I had already read a few books, but couldn’t read a chart. Being introduced to Horary Astrology by Annabel Gat in 2016 enriched my relationship to the field, and was the beginning of my career. Learning about astrology has strengthened my faith in a higher power, and given me a lot of tasty philosophical concepts to chew on.”

You work with people and their energy frequently. Is it ever difficult to forget to look after yourself, and how do you create boundaries?

“’Psychological Astrology’ is a branch or style of astrology that came about in the 70’s. Some of the most famous astrologers from that time, like Liz Greene, Stephen Arroyo, and Howard Sastportas, have psychology degrees. The astrology that’s most popularly practiced today cannot be separated from their influence. I took an astrology consultation course with the International Society of Astrological Research (ISAR) in 2018. The methods I was taught are what social workers or therapists practice in their counselling sessions. While my approach is precise and technical, I try to cultivate a space where people can open up to me. I am often listening to deeply personal and emotional stories. Sometimes it hits close to home, and I’ll want to cry with them. Therapists can’t practice if they’re not in a good place themselves. I think astrologers also need to take care of themselves first, too. Prayer helps me to surrender problems to a higher power, and reminds me not to take on clients’ afflictions as my own. When done right, I will feel happy and energized after a consultation.”

What advice would you give to someone who has just started their journey into exploring astrology?

“Beware of charlatans. Don’t believe the hype. Do your research. Astrology is not standardized. There is room for bad eggs to go unchecked. Know where you’re getting your information from. There are many professional astrologers who take their job seriously, and who are committed to practicing responsibly. Know the difference between a commercial product and a service. Just because someone has a lot of followers, a clean Instagram aesthetic, and a high price point, does not mean that they are trustworthy. To set a standard, professional astrologers offer services around the same price range. If someone is offering something magical and all-powerful for $1000, run for the hills and don’t look back.”

What advice do you have for people who are completely new, or even sceptical, about the power and science behind astrology?

“I don’t blame the skeptics. Astrology gets misunderstood. It’s been abused for as long as there have been newspapers. If someone’s not open to the experience of astrology, it will have nothing to show them. As much as they might want me to, I’m not going to pull a rabbit out of a hat and win them over, they need to make the first step and meet me halfway. When people ask if I believe in astrology, I think they don’t know much about astrology, because it’s not a belief. I don’t believe in astrology, I practice astrology. Austin Coppock said, “Astrology isn’t a science, religion, or art.” It’s its own thing, which has elements of all of the above. It’s impossible to deny our relationship to the sky. It’s present, in every history. Stars are the maps that animals use in their migration. Before satellites, they were our maps as well. If someone doesn’t find our relationship to the sky awe inspiring, I don’t think there’s much I could do for them.”

Many astrologers predicted the difficult times the world experienced in both 2020 and 2021. How do you use astrology to look to a future, in a way that can be empowering rather than fearful?

Fear mongering is not just a red flag, it’s unethical. Astrology is not an exact science. Predictions can always go in many different ways. That’s what makes life worth living. I am not immune to fear mongering. I was worried about the last Mars Saturn square (three of the most fear-charged astrology terms), which would align with my birth chart’s Mars Saturn square in the same signs. It turned out to be one of the most miraculous days of my life. Something that seemed impossible happened. I was overcome. I felt like my prayers were answered. That being said, that same Mars Saturn square corresponded with a new COVID variant and a reinforcement of lockdown measures. My subjective experience of it just happened to be positive. Regardless, speculation cannot replace going through the experience itself. Astrology is a tool that can be used to break or build. Using astrology in an empowering way requires one to remember what they stand for first, then they can pick up the tool. I know that in times of uncertainty we want to jump to divination. It’s not possible to get a decent answer without having confidence in the question. Listen to your inner voice— the stars will harmonize!”

Randon wears the Alma Ruffle Crop and matching Ruffle Short in a size UK8.

Find Randon here.

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:Astrology with Randon Rosenbohm

Astrology with Randon Rosenbohm